Friday, March 18, 2011

Reclaiming Family Time

I enjoyed reading the following post over at Simple Homeschool about 'Reclaiming Family Time'.

and this statement:

"But you know what I want more than an activity-filled life? I want to have supper together as a family. I want to sit around the table and talk without having to rush off. It’s simple, I know, but these are the things we lose in our compulsion to do it all. There are so many good things to do, but doing them all isn’t necessarily what’s best. Your child’s future won’t likely be ruined if you opt out of karate lessons."

Boy was I convicted!  The author writes about filling up our lives with activities and how they take us away from our family time.  Even as homeschoolers we overextend ourselves for the sake of 'social opportunites'.  When the activities out weigh the time you spend together as a family (and yes-we are together all day long, but that isn't 'family time' it?) it worth it? 

I think my resolution for our next school year will be to find one activity for each kid and let them roll with it.  To relax our schedules a bit where we can breathe and relax and have more time for family time.

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