Friday, March 18, 2011

What I've Been Up To

Doing some of this...

So I can plant some of these...

And grow some of those....

I love love love spring and summer!  I am most definately a warm weather gal.  Being in the South we get a head start on our gardening compared to the rest of the nation. (Not rubbing it in or anything...!)

I have plans for an herb bed in front of my elevated front porch.  Cause I'm kooky like that.  I don't have 'designated' beds for things-they just sort of mingle with other plants.  So the green beans will be planted on a trellis along side my daylilies and gladiolus.  Zucchini plants are so beautiful, why not add them to a landscape?

Gardening teaches so many life lessons:

That with a little care the smallest seed can bear the sweetest fruit. 

TOO much can cripple it.  Sometimes it's best to just back off and let them find their own roots and dig them in deep.

No matter how great your defenses, there will always be a creature who can wiggle it's way in to destroy what you have nurtured. 

It's a lesson in faith and hope.  And patience.

Kind of like raising children, no?

How about you?  Are you a gardener?  What plants do you have the most success with?

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